Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Contemplating boo?

Boo is an object oriented, statically typed programming language in active development since 2003, which seeks to make use of the Common Language Infrastructure's support for Unicode, internationalization and web applications, while using a Python-inspired syntax[1] and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility. Some features of note include......jus kidding...this post is not about Boo......its about boo

How many of us actually have everything figured out?....i haven't, so if the world does get in my face which i suppose must happen time and again, like the majority, i could lamely yell bring it on bitch and scram or....

Oh i do have dreams of "standing on the edge and showing the wind how to fly" but i m not ready for that kinda arrogance...not yet........(sometimes i wonder if these dots i (and other bloggers) keep using through all my (their) posts(.....) would qualify as a punctuation mark, with lang-struct pundits, or is it just an outstanding lack of coherence...see again...)

the other day i came down with pretty bad lumbago while playing basket ball(another relatively recent exploit of mine aimed at attaining the aforesaid arrogance), 2-3 days later i still have to think before overstretching myself.....i turn 20 day after tommorow....sigh.....pain has a positive side lends clarity to the thought process...incapacitating lumbago like pain...makes you review your life...questions like what have i done with my life? i growing old?.....why am i gorging on fast food?.....are all "specialty" doctors slightly arrogant?(i eventually went to a hospital...but didn't get to see a doctor, it being a sunday and instead went to city grande with some friends)............. why are there so many mallu nurses in all the hospitals of the world?...why are there so many mallus everywhere? it possible that mallus were once an elder race and everyone else "are" (would an "is" be more grammatically appropriate here?) their lesser decendants(arrogant excuse?...i m sleepy)... etc(i said clarity not coherence)...popped up unbidden in my hitherto peaceful mind...which had been having a great time(on account the countless no. of pirated movies i had been watching, after some time one movie's story blends into another resulting into a fine mess.....till you reach a point when you are left staring into empty space.....shiesar(shy-SAAR an i don't speak whatever the bourne girl was cursing in...googled the word) here i go again, mass bunk in coll. on the occassion of sankranti and all.

NOTE: At this point the author succumbed to an overwhelming bout of laziness and a sense of hopelessness(you see he didn't think anyone read his blog).......and called it a day....

nota bena: The objective of this post is not to advise.
I aint' soul searching or anything........the thought makes me gag.

Disclaimer: Some parts of the post may make some sense.

P.S.: i have a not-so-small ego so on the off chance that someone from the north pacific is reading this post and is not aware of the term "mallu" used in the is a term used to refer to the natives of Kerala a southern state of the Republic of India.

Have a nice day!


  1. hey i didnt know u blogged! wow..i liked reading thing led to the other lol.. from weird notions of arrogance to dots to feeling old (dont worry jjj. ur only 20. i've got a whole year to go before the 2-0 btw. hawww)...and so on.

    why r speciality doctors arrogant? maybe they're smarter. that non-speciality one got the hostel pet dog killed, didnt he?

    mallus arent arrogant i guess... they just procreate faster n hence there r a lot of us. the government doesnt know the exact statistic because so many of us r...well, not in the country even :D

    shiesar = 'shit' in some language right? german?

    this is too long a comment. me 2 jobless. anyways keep it up jerrin! keep them coming :D

  2. Hey there!.....chanced upon ur blog on orkut updates!..... liking it.....n about the mallu see you making some really good Nazi friends....:P
    PS: You are really good at making up nonsense.... i actually enjoyed it

    Oh...n its me...Mridula(from MES)
