Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Poor ol' Bush..........Khalb??????

What do you have to do to have shoes thrown at you?

1. Sing a backstreestsboys song at my college audi night(at least I'll throw some).

2. Eve-teasing(being "smacked" by shoes is what one will incur if the retribution is left to the girl concerned(legend has it that they take a devious interest in reminding you of this power.....a sole prerogative of theirs)...........however if relatives get involved.........thats why i pretend to be a gentleman).............[......sigh.....brackets within brackets i'm desperately tryin to be funny here and its all your fault you bloggers]

3. just being a mallu first year at NITW.......(only the said mallus will understand).......mind you its the mallus who do the shoe throwing too....please don't get any fool notions in your head(for the non mallus)....we are not that insidious......just a little.

4. or just start throwing all manner of footwear you can lay your hands on at any random group of people, rest assured the gesture will be creatively returned.

and so on and so forth

What do you have to do to be the Commander-in Chief of an army that can bring about armageddon if pushed "and" have shoes thrown at you ?

Ravage a country with war originally launched on the basis of poor intelligence and then continue ravaging it for five years and then during your farewell address tell its journalists that..."the war (in Iraq) is not over"....

All hail Muntadhar al-Zaidi, a reporter for the T.V. channel Al Baghadia!!!

"At Sunday's news conference, the journalist whipped off his shoes and hurled them at Bush during the president's unannounced stop in Baghdad. The reporter called his shoe-throwing, a traditional insult in Arab culture, a "farewell kiss" to a "dog" who launched the 2003 invasion of Iraq."

Ironically Iraq's people responded with the same gesture on the day Saddam Hussein's regime finally came to an end........but then it was reserved for his statue in Baghdad's square.

Iraqi police is conducting investigations to inquire whether there is a possibility to charge the reporter with "breach of etiquette" in front of the Iraqi prime minister and not for throwing shoes at an occupying army's CIC...........sweet.
(the authorities make it clear that they see the throwing of shoes at the president not worth prosecution just that he did it front of the Iraqi prime minister)

Its not that I am anti-American or anti-Bush for that matter......what else do you do if people drive planes into buildings in your country's economic capital with a brazen televised message promising more such attacks in future to boot........than declare war on the most plausible suspect country......given the fact that you have the power to shake the world?

but the war in Iraq was carrying it too far........way too far (not saying that the war in Afghanistan was justified just that it seemed....well.... inevitable)


  1. Hey Jerry, put some of ur poetic stuff here...especially the one u wrote to save my *** during !RP!... also u will get me to read ( i can't promise abt others) if u put some of the quotes from LOTR or any other good books... forget bush, its a mistake of the history ... america has a new leader , in whom the americans see the future... lets see if he will live upto their expectation....

  2. he he...I bought a shoe from a bedouin and kept it ready for the blog...But i guess you will make me throw roses at this....gr8 start....and
    PS.The reporter was my man....

  3. good going man...sarcastic humour...like it...
